TC39 is a Technical Committee number 39 which is part of ECMA.
The Ecma TC39 committee is responsible for evolving the ECMAScript programming language and authoring the specification. TC39 also works on developing test suits that are used to verify the correct implementation of the standard.
This article is part of my #10daysUnknownJSChallenge where I spent a very little time to explore 10 unknown topics for the series of 10 days
Stages in TC39 Process:
Stage 0 - Strawperson
New specification inputs to the ECMAScript Specification.
Stege 1 - Proposal
The new specification is considered for further discussion. The solution is identified along with potential changes.
Stage 2 - Draft
Draft version. Specification with precisely described syntax and semantics using the formal spec language.
Stage 3 - Candidate
Indicate that further refinement will require feedback from implementations and users.
Stage 4 - Finished
Indicate that the addition is ready for inclusion in the formal ECMAScript standard. The addition will be included in the soonest practical standard revision
Some of the Stage 4 Proposals:
- Nullish Coalescing for JavaScript
- Optional Chaining for JavaScript
Dynamic Import