Warning about Semicolon in JavaScript #10daysUnknownJSChallenge #day8

Many JavaScript developers often suggest using semicolon for better readability. However, readability is not the only purpose to use semicolon in JavaScript. Though JavaScript supports Automatic Semicolon Insertion, it is not supported in every scenario and causes unexpected error sometimes.

Example 1


Example 2

console.log('Causes Error')
[1, 2].forEach(console.log(1))

Example 1 will execute fine and logs the number 1 and 2. Whereas, Example 2 will throw an error after logging the Causes Error message. Because JavaScript compiler consider both line code into a single ExpressionStatement as per the language grammar and leads to the error

console.log('Causes Error')[(1, 2)].forEach(console.log(1));

For more information and reference head to the below blog post and specification

