JavaScript Heap, Call Stack, Callback Queue #10daysUnknownJSChallenge #day10

Before understanding Heap, Call Stack and Callback Queue, we need to refresh knowledge on a very basic JavaScript concept. JavaScript is a single-threaded language which means, it has a single Call Stack and Heap for the code execution. And most importantly JavaScript executes to code statement by statement (aka line by line) and synchronously. However, because of the browser support, asynchronous is made possible (such as XHR Call, setTimeout and more). Let's have a code example and dig into details of its execution flow and understand the Heap, Call Stack, and Callback Queue.


setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
console.log("from JavaScript");

Considering the typical JavaScript execution flow, it is expected to print Hello, World, from JavaScript in the console. However, it logs Hello, from JavaScript, World. We will decode this execution and will understand the output reason.

JavaScript Heap, Call Stack, Callback Queue and Web API work flow during JavaScript Execution

Step 1

The execution will begin from the line number 1

  1. console.log function will be added to the call stack
  2. String Hello will be added to the heap memory
  3. Since console.log is synchronous, it will be executed immediately.
  4. Logs the string Hello in the console
  5. Removes the string Hello from the heap (May not be immediate. Will be removed by Garbage Collector)
  6. console.log function removed from Call Stack.

Since call stack is empty, execution will move to the next line

Step 2

setTimeout function is identified and execution is continued.

setTimeout(function() {
	console.log(" World");
}, 0)
  1. setTimeout function is added to the Call Stack
  2. Since setTimeout is an asynchronous Browser API it is moved to the Web API box and the timer is begins
  3. setTimeout function is removed from the Call Stack

Since call stack is empty, execution will move to the next statement which is line number 5

Step 3

console.log(" from JavaScript");
  1. console.log function will be added to the call stack
  2. String from JavaScript will be added to the heap memory
  3. Since console.log is synchronous, it will be executed immediately.
  4. Logs the string from JavaScript in the console
  5. Removes the string from JavaScript from the heap (May not be immediate. Will be removed by Garbage Collector)
  6. console.log function removed from Call Stack.

Since call stack is empty, execution will move to the next line

Step 4

Since there is no other statement to execute and Call Stack is empty, the event loop will check for any execution in the Callback Queue.

Step 5

The setTimeout method which was added to the Web API box will be moved to the Callback Queue after it is waited for the specific given time (our case it is 0)

Step 6

The event loop will move the setTimeout function from Callback Queue to Call Stack for execution.

Step 7

console.log(" World") statement will be executed as specified in step 1.

Finally after the complete program execution, Hello from JavaScript World will be logged in the console as multiple strings.


  1. Both console.log and setTimeout method aren't part of the ECMAScript specification. These functions are Web APIs
  2. Only Asynchronous function is moved to the Web API Box